Jamie Cullum
Gran Torino lyrics

So tenderly
Your story is
Nothing more
Than what you see
What you've done
Or will become
Standing strong
Do you belong
In your skin
Just wondering

Gentle now
The tender breeze
Whispers through
My Gran Torino
Whistling another
Tired song

Engine humms
And bitter dreams
Grow heart locked
In a Gran Torino
It beats
A lonely rhythm
All night long
It beats
A lonely rhythm
All night long
It beats
A lonely rhythm
All night long

Realign all
The stars
Above my head
Warning signs
Travel far
I drink instead
On my own
Oh,how I've known
The battle scars
And worn out beds

Gentle now
A tender breeze
Whispers through
A Gran Torino
Whistling another
Tired song

Engines humm
And bitter dreams
Heart locked
In a Gran Torino
It beats
A lonely rhythm
All night long

These streets
Are old
They shine
With the things
I've known
And breaks
The trees
Their sparkling

Your world
Is nothing more
Than all
The tiny things
You've left

So tenderly
Your story is
Nothing more
Than what you see
What you've done
Or will become
Standing strong
Do you belong
In your skin
Just wondering

Gentle now
A tender breeze
Whispers through
The Gran Torino
Whistling another
Tired song
Engines humm
And bitter dreams
A heart locked
In a Gran Torino
It beats
A lonely rhythm
All night long

May I be
So bold and stay
I need someone
To hold
That shudders
My skin
Their sparkling

Your world
Is nothing more
Than all
The tiny things
You've left

So realign
All the stars
Above my head
Warning signs
Travel far
I drink instead
On my own
How i've known
The battle scars
And worn out beds

Gentle now
A tender breeze
Whispers through
The Gran Torino
Whistling another
Tired song
Engines humm
And better dreams
Heart locked
In a Gran Torino
It beats
A lonely rhythm
All night long
It beats
A lonely rhythm
All night long
It beats
A lonely rhythm
All night long
我希望當你看完走出電影院, 遇到我, 跟我交換一個, 恩, 我了解 的眼神
你知道我不擅表達  我擔心這個感動,隨便被我胡亂無序的言語破壞了
阿, 我真是羨慕, 如果我有一天結束這場旅程
如果可以有這樣一首片尾曲 該有多好
我會有那樣沙啞但平靜的聲音, 我可以清楚的告訴自己 我走完了, 沒有遺憾了, 全都放下了, 全都原諒  全都消失了
我可以回到, 領我來的  祂那裡去了
我不能停止的讓這首歌  遍布了我整個週末
這是一種沉溺, 一時間我走不出來
我的動作我的思緒全都慢了下來, 我想透過窗外的雨點, 讓這一刻停止
就像那個時候, 並肩的雨中漫步  我希望我們永遠走不到終點
我很羨慕 沙啞的老Clint Eastwood, 我聽到  看到一種對生命的透測, 那是一種走過、經歷過、傷害過、釋懷了的坦然
如果有一天, 我會有這種釋懷嗎
我真害怕,這些, 會變成未來傷害我們的理由
我真沒有自信, 因為我太沉溺在你 了解的眼神
我真害怕, 我會因此失去你
我不停的重複, 因為我不想離開這個情緒
我越過我的害怕自卑恐懼  我跟神說 這樣怎麼行
我應該要求告祢的  我又一時失神走到了哪裡
但我記得你說 神應該不是這樣的   神應該是怎樣呢 我自問
我真不知道 你知道嗎    神祢知道嗎  祢知道我的無知嗎  祢知道我的虛空嗎
神祢應該是怎樣的? 祢會給我一生中最難以想像的美好的人生嗎? 無法想像的愛情嗎
祢會給我  讓我無法否認 承認靠我自己 無法取得的美好嗎?   祢會給我嗎   祢會讓我知道嗎  祢會讓我經歷那麻醉後的治癒嗎  祢會給我那個依據嗎 祢會讓我俯伏在祢面前無話可說 
請祢這樣作好嗎   請祢讓我求這樣的生命好嗎

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